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阿爸父正以祂的愛呼喚你來到祂跟前!讓聖靈親自服侍你,帶你進入神的同在。牧養關懷密集訓練營正是你所期待的機會, 享受從天上而來五天的餵養。若你心裡渴慕重新得力,再次展翅高飛,萬勿錯過機會!


Noah's Resort, Ma Wan

33 Pak Yan Road, Hong Kong | Tel: (852) 3411 8888 

入營時間:2023年4月12日 下午1:30-2:45 (不含午餐)

離營時間:2023年4月16日 中午12:00 (不含午餐)


由於方舟改裝了大部份房間, PCS 可收生的數目亦相應減少, 各類房間名額有限, 欲報從速!  請留意,為了讓弟兄姊妹在營會中能全心專注,PCS會為學員在房間分配上作出適當的安排,恕不能接受離營住宿。謝謝體諒!

4人房: (HKD$3,150 每位)

2人房: (HKD$4,200 每位)

豪華2人房: (HKD$4,600 每位)

單人房: (HKD$5,600)

* 男女同房必須是夫婦或家人才允許

* 五天食宿及書簿費,PCS 不收取任何學費

​* PCS會按照當時的情況,適時通知學員於營會期間需要遵守的防疫要求






  • 更新裡面的人 / 桑得福夫婦 / 財團法人基督教橄欖文化事業基金會
    The Transformation of the Inner Man

  • 醫治 / 麥格納 / 以琳出版社
    Healing by Francis MacNutt

  • 聖靈權能大驚異 / 傑克‧戴雅 / 以琳出版社
    Surprised by the Power of the Holy Spirit by Jack Deere

  • 整全的醫治 / 莉安‧佩恩 / 雅歌出版社
    Restoring the Christian Soul by Leanne Payne

  • 藉釋放得醫治-實務篇 /何彼得 / 飛鷹出版社
    Healing Through Deliverance, Volume 1 & II: The Foundation of Deliverance Ministry by Peter Horrobin

  • 中國文化屬靈隱義 / 潘熙宇 / 恩奇書業有限公司
    Kingdom Power in Chinese Culture by Abraham Poon


  • 渴慕經歷和進入聖靈能力中的信徒

  • 熱切倚靠十架大能,領人得釋放的信徒

  • 渴慕心靈和情緒得整全醫治的信徒

  • 正在服侍的信徒,如教牧同工、宣教士、信徒領袖、輔導員、社會工作者等


  • 必須完全填妥報名表(包括報讀原因)及繳付有關費用,本校才作收錄決定。報名收錄與否由本校決定。獲取錄者將會收到通知書。本港以外報名者在未收到取錄通知書前請暫緩訂購機票。 

  • 所有營會均須全期留宿,及出席所有活動,其間不得請假、缺課、早退或以他人代替。

  • 學員在入營前後及營會期間必需繼續服用醫生處方藥物。


1:30-2:45pm 入營 
3:00-6:00pm 大會 
6:00-7:00pm 晚餐 
7:00-10:00pm 大會 

7:00-8:00am 親父時刻 
8:00-9:00am 早餐 
9:00-12:00pm 大會 
12:00-1:00pm 午餐 
3:00-4:00pm 午睡 
6:00-7:00pm 晚餐 
7:00-10:00pm 大會 

8:30-9:00am 離營手續 
9:00-12:00pm 大會 




  • 與神一起禱告

  • 親父時刻

  • 聖靈的浸

  • 醫治神學

  • 醫治禱告

  • 內在醫治

  • 文化背景與屬靈爭戰

  • 從祖先罪孽及個人營壘中得釋放

  • 從性方面的罪孽捆綁中得釋放,重尋完整的自我

  • 醫治破碎心靈

  • 重整神賜的美好自我形象

  • 聖潔生活與健康靈性

Additional Covid Safety Policy

All attendees are required to show proof of vaccination (at least 2 doses) against Covid19 at check-in time on April 12th, 2023.

Covid19 antigen tests will be administered to all attendees at check-in time, daily, and as needed. We ask that all attendees bring at least six (6) Covid19 antigen test kits with them to the conference. Alternatively, PCS can provide the test kits for you for an additional cost of HK$200 as Covid fee. You must specify at the time of registration. 

Masks will be required at all times during the 5-day school, with the exception when you are in your own room and when you are actively eating or drinking. 

All attendees are expected to adhere to local travel advisory, quarantine and testing guidelines. It is also your responsibility to check testing and quarantine requirements for your return trip. Please note you will NOT be allowed to go outside to get a Covid test during the 5 days at the PCS Conference.  Please make your travel arrangement accordingly.

Anyone who tests positive to Covid19 or begins to experience any Covid19 symptoms during the conference will be required to immediately self-isolate according to the safety protocols as arranged by PCS.

As the situation with Covid19 is dynamic and always changing, this safety policy is subject to change. All attendees are required to follow all the safety protocols as set by PCS. 

PCS reserves the right to dismiss anyone at any time from the 5-day school, in order to protect the safety and well being of all. 

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