Pastoral Care School Bookstore
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Kingdom Power in Chinese Culture
By: Rev. Abraham Poon
This book unveils the spiritual significance of some elements of Chinese culture. It helps us to experience a renewed and deeper relationship with God as we break free from cultural bondages and redeem our Chinese heritage. It is especially useful for non-Chinese who wish to understand how to minister amongst Chinese.
$15.00 USD

By: Rev. Abraham Poon
$12.00 USD

Abba's Heart
By: Rev. Abraham Poon
A daily inspiration from Time with Abba. Do you sometimes wonder what's in our Abba Father's heart? This book offers you a glimpse into His heart and a way to go deeper in Him. There is so much Abba Father wants to share with you and more importantly, your time spent with Him is the most precious thing to Him and this is how we can really bless His heart.
$15.00 USD

By: Rev. Abraham Poon
從每日親親爸父而來的啟發 – “有時你是否想知道什麼是爸父的心意? 這本書讓你一瞥神的內心,並幫助你深入了解。爸父有許多心事想要與你分享,更重要的是,你與他共度的時光對祂來說彌足珍貴,藉此更能體貼爸父的心意。”
$15.00 USD

Time with Abba Journal
Time with Abba Journal
with Daily Scripture Reading Plan.
160 Lined Pages, 80 Sheets total
Spiral bound with an elastic loop band
$7.00 USD

Time with Abba For Children
TWA Booklet for children is a spirit-filled practical booklet that gives daily passages and guide for you to nurture the spiritual growth of children.
$15.00 USD

親親爸父 給爸父的孩子
$15.00 USD

CD 耶穌的名
The Name of Jesus
全新粵語敬拜專輯2 "耶穌的名" 2018年4月發行, 欲購從速! 基道書室, 天道書樓(5月下旬起), 同福悠然一閣均有發售,! 網上試聽
$10.00 USD

Time with Abba Workbook - Elementary
A Spirit-filled creative guide for elementary-aged children. It leads children to develop a relationship with their heavenly Father, by allowing His Word and Heart to take deep root in their lives. Through TWA, children receive their identity and inheritance in Christ, equipped to live a victorious life!
Daily TWA worksheet for 2 months, total 61 pages.

Time with Abba
Workbook - Preschool
A Spirit-filled creative guide for preschool-aged children. It leads children to develop a relationship with their heavenly Father, by allowing His Word and Heart to take deep root in their lives. Through TWA, children receive their identity and inheritance in Christ, equipped to live a victorious life!
Daily TWA worksheet for 2 months, total 61 pages.