About Pastoral Care School
Pastoral Care School (PCS) is an international, cross cultural, kingdom ministry endeavor to equip Christian ministers and lay leaders to pray for the sick and set the captives free. Abraham and Lillian Poon, together with their ministry team, have conducted Pastoral Care Schools in the United States and worldwide since 2002. Ministry scope includes but not limited to the following:
Pastoral Care School (PCS) – a 5-day school for ministering individuals and couples
Edenite Conference – a 4-day conference for individuals desiring to return to life in God's Garden.
Continuing Education for ministry workers – weekend conferences, one day courses
Short Modules in all areas of the Renewal Ministry
Consultation – individually tailored design for pastors, missionaries and local churches who desire to walk in the freedom and power of the Holy Spirit

Pastoral Care School (PCS)
PCS is designed to equip ministering individuals and believers to effectively care for the needs of people whom God has entrusted to them by receiving care for themselves. PCS students will experience healing and deliverance through the power of Holy Spirit and will grow deeper intimacy with the Lord through Time with Abba "TWA". This is a five-day experiential school that combines corporate worship, lecture and personal prayer ministry time. Students will also be trained on how to pray for the sick and set the captives free.

ReFathering Conference - Character Reconstruction
The ReFathering Conference is an extension of the Pastoral Care School Conference. This 5-day residential conference helps participants to experience a deeper healing from one's developmental wounds over the formative years. It lays the foundation for the participants' character reconstruction, and will continue to reshape the ways that the participants minister in the areas of shepherding Abba’s children, parenting their own biological children, and repairing broken parent-child relationship. One is brought to a new freedom to overcome their diseased personality and begin to see true transformation.

Edenite Conference
The Edenite Conference is an extension of the Pastoral Care School Conference. This 4-day residential conference is designed for individuals desiring to return to life in God's Garden of Eden - His original design. Whether you are presently single, dating, in courtship, engaged, married, divorced or widowed on earth, this conference aims to have your personhood restored according to God's design as His redeemed Edenite men and women. Nestled in Abba's healing presence, you can unearth hidden roots, shed light to past wounds and receive healing, as well as sever diseased soul ties from ungodly relationships. Not only will you regain true and unfailing love from the Lover of our souls, you will also be launched into the God-ordained loving relationship with yourself, with God and with others, and receive His passion to love one another with His pure love again.

Prophet, Priest and King (PPK) School
The PPK Conference is a 5-day upgraded version of PCS designed for those who are seeking their identity in Christ and would like to minister in the example set by the Lord. Knowing who we are has a lot to do with what ministry we are to be involved in. Jesus said, “Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in Me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:12)
Jesus affirmed His identity in response to Peter’s declaration: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” (Matthew 16:16) He is the Christ, the Anointed One, the Messiah. His works included the three anointed offices of the Old Testament: prophet, priest and king. If your identity is that of a Christian, or a Christ follower, then the works you should be doing would be that of the prophet, priest and king. If you want to live out your identity as a Christ follower, to be involved in anointed ministry (the works Christ did on earth), this conference is for you.
Speaking of His Glory...

Pastoral Care School
Through this PCS, I have gained a Daddy, a Savior, my strength whom I can lean on, I have rest now. I have reclaimed my mind and have devoted it to Jesus. I was a slave, bound & chained. Parts of me were dying if not already dead. I was so consumed in darkness that I saw no way out. But Jesus, the Lamb that was slain delivered me and He is worthy.

Edenites Conference
This weekend I learned my mission is just to love Jesus & become happy and beautiful. I learned my well-being is rooted in God. Husband doesn’t need to make me happy. In fact, I was able to release my hubby, my mom and dad, even my baby daughter. They are released from making me happy.

ReFathering Conference
Being a mom and now also a grandmother, I have to confess I had to fight off thoughts of wanting to receive these teaching for them and fight thoughts of all the ways I had parented poorly. Abba reminded me His grace has already covered all of that and I overcame and I was able to receive for me SO I could later give them a transformed mom and Nana!