January 10 - God Speaks
When Abraham sent his old servant on a mission to obtain a wife for his son Isaac, he repeated what the Lord had spoken to him about earlier. God is not a silent God, He is the One who speaks and makes plain His will for us. Abraham received the promises of land and offspring through talking and conversing with God. This is how we all may relate to Him, through talking with and listening to God through a personal relationship with Him.
Our praying to God is not a one-way street, God responds to us every time we call on His name. Sometimes through an impression, through a word given, through some quite immediate circumstances, He speaks to our spirit. The old servant kept praying to the Lord and even before he could finish praying, things already were happening. He was amazed at the speed with which God answered his prayers. God led this old person to his destination.
The centurion understood the power of the word, he felt unworthy of the Lord going to his house but suggested that Jesus just give a word and his servant would be healed. The Lord was amazed at such faith, faith in the spoken Word of Jesus the Lord. He said that He could not find such faith even in the nation of Israel. Many times, the Lord spoke and the sick person was healed. The leper asked if the Lord would heal him because he knew that He could. The answer came with a healing Word, “I will, be clean!”
Matthew, the Gospel writer, then observed a pattern here. When Jesus spoke, things happened. That evening, many who were demon possessed were brought before the Lord. He only spoke a Word and the evil spirits were cast out and all the sick were healed instantly. An old hymn begins with these words: “Only a touch from Thine hand, O Lord; Only a Word from Thee”. Jesus is willing and able to bring wholeness and healing to you today, let us receive His touch and His Word today.
His Word can direct our lives despite how wise and educated we are. The Book of Proverbs urges all to rely on God, not on our own understanding. In all our ways, we must acknowledge His ways and He will direct our paths. While all of us want to have more wisdom and knowledge in order to live, the Bible tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. It is not about how you can plan and live your life, it is about listening to His Word that you would receive the wisdom you needed. Your prayers should not be asking God to make you wise and great, but must focus on seeking His will and direction. He is the God who speaks and listening to His voice is an essential link in your life. Hearing His Word and doing it is what trusting in Jesus is all about. Are you hearing Him yet?
Ps 7:1-9 Gen 23:1-24:51 Matt 8:1-17 Prov 3:1-6