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October 1 - Watchmen on the Walls

God’s heart is to establish Jerusalem and make it a praise in the earth. In order to do that, He has set up watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, crying out to Him day and night to remind God of His heart for the city. They are not to give God any rest until God has accomplished His will, until God raises His mighty arm and moves in power. They proclaim the heart of God and plead for God to rend the heavens and come down. This is the only way Zion may walk in her destiny and this is the only method God has instructed His people to do to bring His glory into His church today.

God has raised up many intercessors in the church. They are like watchmen on the walls, not only pleading for the churches but also for the cities they live in. In every church, there are men and women of prayer for God has laid on their hearts the burden of a watchman. Watchmen are first of all, called by God to keep watch. God sets them up and they do not seek it for themselves. The church leadership only has to call these watchmen out and they will be willing and ready to serve in that capacity.

The watchmen are on the walls, between the outside world and the inner city of God’s people. It is important that they can see clearly and for a long distance. When the enemies come, they will call out to the gatekeepers to close the city gate. When the king comes, they will tell the gatekeepers to open the gate and welcome the king and his emissaries. This is the imagery used by Jesus to “watch and pray”. Praying people must know what is going on in order to discern the time and the right action. Informed intercession is to see spiritually what the Lord and our enemy are doing.

Watchmen have a direct line to the Lord, they cry out day and night before God’s throne and give God no rest. They pray until something happens by calling upon the name of the Lord. In their prayers, they just repeat what the Lord has told them, praying promises and blessings into reality. They are not just watching but they are pleading with God with what they have seen and heard from God. The result is a change in the spiritual climate and environment of the city, making the city a place of praise and joy.

Are you a watchman on the walls of your city? If the Lord has called you to be a watchman, you major ministry is that of intercession. Be diligent, keep at it and you will see the results. Do not rest and do not let God rest until His purpose is accomplished on earth. God has chosen you to be a watchman and that is a high calling, you have a part in changing the world. Find other watchmen in your church or your area and pray with them as well. God will move.

Ps 107:23-32     Isa 62:6-65:25     Phil 2:19-3:4a     Prov 24:13-14


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