November 8 - Spiritual Brainwashing
Our brains are constantly bombarded by the things of the world: what others think, comments on Face Book, popular opinions and polls, culture and traditions, self-centered thoughts and the ideas brought in by the enemy to tempt us. Past events, especially hurtful ones, have the tendency to replay themselves. Horrible and indecent images keep popping up in the mind, giving us little rest. When you close your eyes at night or opening up your eyes in the morning, all kinds of thoughts can come in. How are you going to deal with them?
In the Book of Romans, Paul tells us not to be conformed to the thinking of the world but be transformed through the renewal of the mind. Our thinking, or mind, needs are to be reformed and changed. This is our lifelong battle, to conform our thinking, not to the world but to God’s mind. In the Book of Philippians, Paul encourages us to have the mind of Christ, to follow His humility of mind and heart. The only way of doing this is not just to remove the old but also to bring in the new.
In the age of the VHS video recording, we often reuse the tapes by recording new programs over the old ones. Our mind is like an old tape, needing a new program to replace the old programs of life. After our conversion to Christ, we must adopt His thinking as our own, thus conforming to the image of Christ. This over-recording is not an once-and-for-all act but a constant intake of the Word of God to change our miserable state of mind. We have been harassed by the self, the world and the devil in the past, it is time for us to bring in God’s rule over our mind.
The reading and meditation of God’s Word is the only way to wash our brain. The psalmist states a number of characteristics of God’s Word that is in agreement with God’s character. God is righteous and so are His rules. His righteousness also comes in faithfulness. He is faithful to His children and can be trusted. There is no deceit with God and whatever He says He will do. His promise is well tried and tested and His law is true. When we read and abide by His commandments, we can have joy and delight. They give us understanding that we may live this life on earth.
The Word of God comes from the mouth of God. His Word has the power to create and to re-create. We are new creation if we are in Christ. His Word can renew us day by day. The washing of our brain is very much needed for we take in too much toxins on a daily basis. Just listen to the words of others can greatly discourage us. Curses are commonplace and blessings are few and far in between. Are you bothered by negative thoughts or words of condemnation? Do you have a hard time getting rid of unwanted thoughts? The only way is to record God’s Word over them and in the process erase them. Read and meditate on the Word now.
Ps 119:137-144 Ezek 18:1-19:14 Heb 9:1-10 Prov 27:10