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July 8 - God’s Kingdom Agenda

The psalmist contrasts the rule of God with the rule of man. The princes of the earthly kingdoms are merely the sons of man and no one can find salvation in them. When a ruler’s breath departs from him, he returns to the earth; and on that very day even his plans perish. Kings and princes come and go, their help, if any, are temporarily and limited when compared to the King of kings and the Lord of lords. For those who seek the Lord for help and put their hope in Him, they are blessed because they have come to the Creator of heaven and earth. God keeps faith forever and He never changes.

When our hope is in the Lord, we will become His responsibility. This King can execute justice for the oppressed, give food to the hungry, set the prisoners free, open the eyes of the blind, lift up those who are bowed down, loves the righteous, watches over the sojourners, upholds the widow and the fatherless, and bring the wicked to ruin. His Kingdom agenda is actually far superior than that of any earthly kingdom. When God is on the throne and reigns over His people, all their needs are met and there is ultimate justice and equity in the land. God is the answer to all social, economic and political problems.

With the earthly governments being unable to solve these problems, Christians can look forward to the Millennium when Christ will come back and establish His Kingdom here on earth. We are then His emissaries, carrying out His rule and shall reign with Him for a thousand years. Even before that, you, as a child of God, can also bring in the Kingdom agenda on earth by doing what Jesus did on earth. During the early part of His earthly ministry, Jesus read from the Book of Isaiah and declared His Kingdom agenda. He was here to feed the poor, to heal the sick and to cast out demons, thus reversing the work of the enemy on earth that is caused by sin.

This was exactly the calling on Paul’s life. He was to go to the Gentiles to open their eyes and bring them from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of Light, from the rule of Satan to the reign of God. In so doing, the ultimate problem of sin can be reversed through the forgiveness of sins and receiving the inheritance from God. That was the vision Paul obtained from the Lord and he was obedient to this heavenly vision. He was bringing the Kingdom agenda on earth by proclaiming Jesus as Lord.

Do you realize that you are God’s agent on earth to push His Kingdom agenda? Are you involved in anything that is in line with His agenda? If you want to serve the Lord, clear up your own agenda and commit to God’s agenda now.

Ps 146:1-10 1 Chron 5:18-6:81 Acts 26:1-32 Prov 18:20-21

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