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October 8 - The Real and the Unreal

Jeremiah compares two types of lifestyles, one that is based on the unreal and the other on the real. Reality and vanity are the two foundations on which we build our lives and the wrong foundation would reveal many life problems. He begins with the wrong kind of foundation, the foundation of vanity based on the way of the nations, the signs of the heavens, the customs of the peoples and idol worship. These are based on the unreal and lead to emptiness, dismay and fear. As one trusts in ways of the popular culture and customs, as one looks to the heavens for guidance and makes idols from wood, silver and gold, his life is like the idol he has created.

A much better foundation is the foundation of the real. God, the Unseen Real among us, is incomparable, great, whose name is great in might and to be feared. He is the King of the nations, the only true God, the living God and the everlasting King. Only God made the heavens and the earth by His power, He established the world by His wisdom and understanding. His voice is powerful in bringing out the rain and the mist and the wind.

Man, on the other hand, is stupid and without knowledge, making worthless idols and works of delusion. Even the leaders or shepherds of the people are stupid and do not inquire of the Lord. So on behalf of all humankind, Jeremiah prays, “I know, O Lord, that the way of man is not in himself, that it is not in man who walks to direct his steps. Correct me, O Lord, but in justice; not in your anger, lest you bring me to nothing.”

What a confession! The way to be man is not in himself, although he walks but his path is not up to him. We need to ask God to correct us from stupidity and falsehood. The way is to build your life from the real and not the unreal. Reality is everything that God is and does while vanity and unreality are lies from the evil one. One must choose his life foundation in order to walk in the right direction.

The world is full of empty promises from things and people we rely on. When you believe in a lie, you have gone over to an unreal foundation. Virtual reality is not true reality and can only lead us to emptiness. The empty promises of peace, joy, health and wealth are based on faulty assumptions. They get many into addictions of different kinds. The devil is the father of lies and he is creating many false realities for us to go into. Entertainment is an industry targeting the lonely and distressed. The promise of mood changing substances and behaviors are affecting many today.

Look into your own life: are you building your life on the ultimate reality or on vanity? Do you submit to God’s way or your own way? Make a choice now!

Ps 111:1-10 Jer 10:1-11:23 Col 3:18-4:18 Prov 24:28-29

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